FHIDO has been working to improve the water, hygiene and sanitation condition of the community in the past. With close partnership with local partners, it has been engaged in the rehabilitating both girls` and boys` toilet as well as creating access to water services for target schools through the construction of water points and taps serving students for hand washing after toilet and drinking. It has been also providing water tankers and fully equipping target schools with menstrual hygiene kits and materials (girls’ rooms, mattress, sanitary napkins and related materials) to give service to girls during their menstrual cycle which. The intervention in WASH helped to improve the health of children reducing children’s absenteeism during their menstrual cycle and result in improvement in academic performance of children.
Moreover, to ensure the general community health, FHIDO has also been engaged in the provision of cleaning and protective material for Woreda solid waste collecting associations as well as organizing regular refresher training for school health club members on sanitation hygiene and menstrual cycle management and hand washing campaigns to enhance the understanding level of club members on sanitation and hygiene.