OVC Shelter and Care
To ensure quality services for OVC shelter and care, FHIDO has domesticated and been using the OVC service guideline in its project implementation. Hence to ensure quality of shelter and care for OVCs, FHIDO has been mobilizing and participating volunteers to maintain walls and roof of the shelters of parents of target OVCs with the provision of basic construction materials which prevented OVCs from living without shelter. To create access to clean, safe water and basic personal hygiene, FHIDO has also been increasing water points and latrines in many of its target schools which enabled target OVCs attending in schools to keep their personal hygiene. Moreover, through its continuous community discussions and trainings for parents and community representatives, FHIDO has also been transmitting messages on how to create a safe and secure environment for children to stay in a safe living within their communities. In many occasions, FHIDO collaborates with relevant government, private and other similar NGOs for linking children to get shelters and basic services.